Azania Mosaka Speaks With Pitika Ntuli | 702 Radio

Azania Mosaka from 702 interviews Pitika Ntuli about his exhibition Azibuyele Emasisweni (Return to the Source), his first exhibition to comprise only of works sculpted in bone.


The exhibition comprises of 45 pieces sculpted from bone.


Poet, sculptor, writer and academic Professor Pitika Ntuli's exhibition - _Azibuyele Emasisweni (Return to the Source) - _was recently featured as part of this year's virtual National Arts Festival.

The exhibition comprises of 45 pieces sculpted from bones.

Ntuli took some time out to talk to Azania Mosaka about the inspiration behind his work.

I thought we have to put up onto the agenda for discussion, who we are as African people, what are our value systems and what we need to do with them.

Pitika Ntuli, Poet, sculptor, writer and academic

In carving these 45 bones, each and every bone has got its own poems. In Africa when you throw bones, you are divining the state of things. I am divining the state of our environment, our politics, our education ... practically everything that defines us or is supposed to define who we are.

Pitika Ntuli, Poet, sculptor, writer and academic



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