Izibongo | Celebrating Art from Africa and the Diaspora | Issue 1 – October 2017

Ndabuko Ntuli

Musician and diviner, as well as artist and eco activist, this creative spirit has a full agenda in his mission to use art as an educational aid, especially on the subject matter of the environment. Where we see a heap of scrap, he sees the potential to enrich our surroundings. I am happy to present to you, NDABUKO NTULI.



Born in Nkandla in Natal…1975. A self-taught artist, he believes that inspiration from his Ancestors give him ideas for his paintings.

from Art On The Move



Born in 1975 in Kwa Zulu Natal. Inspired by his grandfather, who created pots and sculptures. During the days of Apartheid, people weren’t allowed to do art, because the government saw it as an act of protest against them and was scared of the effect it could have on other people. In the early 70s Ndabuko’s grandfather tried to teach all of his children art, but it only came to Ndabuko.

from Izarte



He also is a practicing traditional healer, using bone throwing as his main divination medium from Hinde Youth Foundation Ndubko’s focus on art followed him all through his education from preschool to high school. He moved to Alexandra Township where he began developing his craft at the Alexandra Art Centre for less advantaged artists from Indiegogo – Colour Me Africa


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