Pascal Konan Côte d’Ivoire, b. 1979

Art is at the service of society and is a useful tool for raising awareness.

"Pascal Konan invites us into his world: A blazing orb, bustling streets and squares of a sprawling city, busy and moving crowds. A world of energy and contrast. Colors are juxtaposed with muted tones, light with shade, definite contours with blurred ones. Using acrylic paint and recycled electronic waste material, Konan dares to experiment with different techniques. The impact of his art is such that it reminds us that we are tiny particles in the universe and that we need to pause to ask ourselves, in the words of Gauguin, “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” His works often highlight individuals, emphasizing the role that each one of us plays within our environment and in forging our collective destiny.


A graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Abidjan, Pascal Konan has exhibited in Beirut, Marrakech and Paris. He is the recipient of several distinctions and awards."


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